Tyler Woolcott
Front-end Developer
I design and build things for the web. Creating responsive websites and Web3 dApps.
Featured Projects
Personal Website
This is my personal website, which contains a portfolio, dashboard and resume. I built it with many fresh React and Next.js features such as API routes powering connection to my Spotify playlists and TailwindCSS.
Moot app
I built this website for the CEO of Moot. It uses Next.js, React and TailwindCSS, as well as a typewriter effect written in JavaScript. The video component is deployed using Cloudinary.
StudioVisit dApp
I built this dApp after completing the Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp. It uses React and styled components for the frontend and Hardhat, Ethers and Web3Modal for the backend.
Student Search
This project was completed as a code challenge in the interview process for a job. It's built with React, it connects to the Hatchways API to search and tag students and the styling is done with TailwindCSS.
Netflix App
I built this Netflix clone from scratch as part of the Advanced React module from the Front-end Developer Career Path on Scrimba. It's built with React using styled components, Fuse.js for search and implements Firebase for authentication.